Monday, May 14, 2012

National Geographic Megafactories LEGO

One word: AMAZING!!!!!

After I posted my previous entry about Mega Bloks vs. Lego, I searched for news and articles about Lego just to learn why they still have that design after so many years, also out of sheer curiosity.

I remembered that there was a thread before in our forum discussing about the National Geographic documentary on the history of Lego, so I tried looking for that video on Youtube.

Luckily, the video is available and I think this is worth sharing to you guys as LEGO's become part of our childhood for most of us.

Watching this factory works makes me dream to be a part of this company too. This is a wonderland for those avid fans! That includes me as always, though my Lego bricks are not with me anymore... How I wish I took care of them :( I hope they're in good hands now.

It's just nice to see how the company became a success after all those years with the ups and downs they encountered and how they survived the changing world of technology when kids prefer to play with their computers! - Oh I haven't mentioned here that I am very saddened by what this technology has done to our children now. Some kids nowadays don't even know what Snakes and Ladders is!

I am very amazed (I am sure you are amazed too) on how each brick is created and how accurate it should be.. and not to mention those big robotic machines! ....and did I hear saliva test?

Oh.. and btw, I shouldn't compare Mega Bloks with LEGO. I just realized that they have different styles and LEGO is happy with what they have and I guess they will be sticking to it :D

I hope you enjoyed watching as much as I do. We have more things to discover :D

'til next time :)

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